Warzone 2 Movement Guide: Here’s the Meta the Professionals Are Using

We've got you covered with all the must-know tactics for maximizing your moves in Warzone 2.0.

Warzone 2.0 has exemplified the concept of “change is inevitable”. With a lowered time-to-kill, battles are more chaotic and fast paced than ever before – so it’s essential to stay ahead of your adversaries! Although some strategies like slide cancelling no longer hold relevance in the new Warzone environment, there still remain numerous approaches to gain an edge.

Sure, tactical play and positioning are important tools in our arsenal; however by taking some extra time to practice new movement strategies, not only will your performance improve drastically; You’ll also have even more tools up your sleeve for those clutch moments when victory or defeat depends on every little move you make!

In this article





Pre-aiming is essential to surviving an encounter in both MW2 and Warzone 2. It’s all about reducing your time to fire so you can get shots off before your opponent. To do this, you need to get your sights on target as quickly as possible, which means aiming at the right spot before you even see your opponent. This way, you increase your chances of landing your shots before they do.

Pre-aiming when pushing or moving forward

Pre-aiming when pushing – Modern Warfare 2

To pre-aim, you’ll need to aim down sights (ADS) and direct your aim towards areas where you expect players to be located before seeing them directly. Do this by moving in a way that lets you take on each area one at a time.

Knowing the map can be really helpful here, as it’ll give you an idea of where people might be positioned.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Aim down sights (ADS).
  2. Aim towards the area before you have direct line of sight.
  3. Move towards the area and keep aiming at it until you have direct line of sight.
  4. Repeat 2-3 on the next area until you’ve cleared the location.

Pre-aiming while holding your ground

In this scenario, you’re trying to predict where an enemy will push you from. The idea is to make sure you’re already aiming in that area when they enter, so you don’t have to use precious time moving your sights over your target. While some in the community claim peeker’s advantage makes these situations unfavorable, there’s no conclusive evidence that it’s that big of a deal in MW2 or Warzone 2.

If you’re lucky and have good audio cues, you can even use pre-firing – shooting before visual confirmation of your enemy.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Aim down your sights (ADS).
  2. Aim in the area you expect your enemy to appear.

Jump peaking




Jump peaking can be a great way to catch your opponents off guard when you think they might be pre-aiming. Shake them up by quickly entering their line of sight and being unpredictable so they don’t have time to get their sights on you.

There are plenty of ways you can use jump peaking. Here, we’ll focus on two variations that work well for both console and PC players.

ADS jump

The most important part is making sure your sights are fully aimed down once you hit the ground. Timing is key; practice with your weapon of choice to get it right.

Jump peaking around a corner (ADS jump) – Modern Warfare 2

Here’s what to do:

  1. As you tac sprint or run parallel to your cover, jump a good distance ahead of the exposed area.
  2. Once you’re in the air, quickly rotate towards the danger and ADS.
  3. Try to predict where your enemy might be so you can line up your sights as closely as possible when you land. That way, you’ll be ready to fire as soon as your feet hit the ground.

Hip fire to ADS

This variation is great for PC players due to the enhanced control and faster horizontal/vertical movement that can be achieved by using a mouse. It’s particularly useful when your opponent is likely to be closer to you when peaking, as hip fire accuracy tends to be unreliable beyond a few meters.

Here’s what to do:

  1. As you tac sprint or run parallel to your cover, jump a good distance ahead of the exposed area.
  2. Directly rotate towards the direction of danger, trying to predict where your enemy might be located and moving your crosshair as close to that location as possible.
  3. Put your crosshair on target, hip fire, and ADS while continuing to fire.

Jump shots




Something you can do to give yourself an edge in combat and reduce your opponent’s chances of landing a critical damage shot is to use the jump shot. When you jump, aim center mass and your sights will travel up, increasing the chance of you scoring a headshot. At the same time, you’re also moving yourself upwards, which gives your opponent more to aim for in the lower damage zones. This technique is especially useful in close-quarters encounters.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Aim and fire at your opponent
  2. Jump while firing

Drop shots




Drop shooting involves going prone while shooting and is generally used in close-range encounters when you may run into an enemy unexpectedly. The purpose of this tactic in Warzone 2 is to make it harder for your enemies to hit you and potentially drop below their line of sight (try aiming down sights in first-person view, your gun blocks the lower half of the screen – that’s where we want to position ourselves).

Video by The5thSeal

But keep in mind that at longer distances, drop shooting can actually put you at a disadvantage. It’s mainly your head that will be exposed, making it easier for enemies to land a critical shot on you. Plus, they won’t have to adjust their aim too much since your vertical movement won’t be as drastic to them.

The challenge with this technique is not necessarily executing the actions necessary to perform a drop shot, but being able to recognize the right scenarios and being fast enough to do so when it makes sense.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Shoot.
  2. Go prone while shooting.
  3. Continue shooting.

Dolphin diving




This technique is all about defense. It’s great for getting to cover quickly when your health or armor is low, grenades are incoming, or you’re outnumbered. Plus, it helps you get more forward momentum and makes it harder for enemies to hit you. Another bonus? It also resets your tactical sprint! (More on that later). Just remember that this maneuver comes with a slight delay before you can use your weapon, so it’s not ideal for offensive purposes.

Console players, take note: for maximum efficiency, bind your prone action to something that’s easier to perform quickly.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Tac sprint/run.
  2. Go prone while tac sprinting/running.





If you want to up your game, consider incorporating strafing into your playstyle. This technique can make you harder to hit and increase your rotational aim assist if you’re using a controller. Just remember when you’re using strafing, the further away from your opponent the more exaggerated your movements should be.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Aim down sights (ADS) to take advantage of rotational aim assist
  2. Fire and strafe in one direction.
  3. While continuing to fire, strafe in the opposite direction.





This is a great technique to use when you’re behind cover. It involves quickly going prone and standing up in rapid succession – in an almost ‘snake-like’ motion – so you minimize the amount of time you’re exposed to the enemy and maximize your time behind cover. To make sure your silhouette stays small, try to go prone before you’re fully standing up. Using Automatic Tactical Sprint in your settings will make executing this technique way easier.

Video by Rehtycs

Here’s what to do:

  1. Get some space behind your cover, then go prone
  2. Tac sprint forward or slightly left/right
  3. Go backwards and prone at the same time before you’re fully standing up
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 as needed

One you’ve mastered the motion, you can add shooting to this technique:

  1. Get some space behind your cover, then go prone
  2. Tac sprint forward or slightly left/right
  3. ADS and time it so that your sights are aimed down when you get line of sight over your cover
  4. When your sights are up and you can see over your cover, fire and make sure not to be exposed for too long
  5. Go backwards and prone at the same time
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 as needed

Tactical sprint resets




The tactical sprint is great – it’s the fastest way to get where you need to go on foot. The only downside is that it only lasts about 4 seconds, but fortunately, there are some quick ways to reset your tac sprint. The most popular ways to do this is by dolphin diving or meeleing. I personally recommend dolphin diving as it propels you forward and changes your silhouette to make it harder for enemies to hit you.

Video by KickRocksGamingChannel


  1. Tac sprint.
  2. Dolphin dive (by going prone) before your tac sprint runs out.
  3. Continue tac sprinting once you’ve gone prone.
  4. Repeat 2-3 for as long as it is necessary.

Warzone 2.0 has definitely shaken things up for the community. Take the time to think of new strategies and tactics now that movement is slower and time-to-kill is reduced. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Have fun, practice hard, and you’ll become a master of Warzone in no time. All the best and happy fragging!

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Sam S

Gaming has been a passion of Sam's since he could first hold a controller. When he's not busy shouting at his monitor during online matches or immersing himself in a virtual world, Sam enjoys sharing his love for gaming with others by researching game meta and writing game guides.

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